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Cosmetic companies must not only monitor the Federal Regulations and MoCRA, regulated by the FDA, but also stay informed about state-specific laws affecting the ingredients used in their products. This approach ensures full compliance with legal requirements across all states.
The growing accessibility of scientific research on human and environmental safety has heightened the focus on consumer product safety. As a result, many states are increasingly banning or restricting various ingredients in consumer goods.
To help businesses navigate these changing regulations, CE.way is expanding its consultancy services to include guidance on relevant state-level requirements, as detailed below.
California: Proposition 65 ongoing AB 496 Cosmetic Safety Effective since 1st Jan 2025 Banning number of cosmetic ingredients including perborates, PFAS etc.
Maine: Maine Safe Cosmetics Act Effective 1st Jan 2027 Banning a number of ingredients including Dibutyl phthalate, Triclosan etc.
Minnesota: Statutes in Minnesota prohibit certain levels of Cadmium and Lead in consumer products, which include cosmetics.
New York: New York State Senate bans 1-4 Dioxane and Mercury in cosmetic and personal care products.
Oregon: Senate Bill 546 – with suggested effective date of 1st Jan 2027, intending to ban a number of ingredients including PFAS, Triclosan and other ingredients of concern.
Vermont:State senate bill which is due to be implemented 1st Jan 2026, will ban the use of PFAS, I,4 Dioxane, Tricolosan and other ingredients.
Washington: Effective 1st Jan 2025, this bill bans the use of PFAS, Lead and other compounds in cosmetic products.
Wisconsin: Mercury have been prohibited since 2009 in Cosmetic products.
Need help with the cosmetics regulations and testing?
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