Your US MoCra FDA cosmetics
regulatory assistance.

At CE.way, we help you bring your cosmetic products to the market quickly and efficiently. With a combination of our knowhow and in-house lab facility, we can offer all of the necessary regulatory and testing services, and seamlessly navigate you through the registration process of your cosmetic products.
More About UsMoCRA timeline and requirements
MoCRA (Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022) is the new US cosmetics legislation that cosmetic products placed on the US market need to comply with. MoCRA represents a significant overhaul of the regulatory framework governing cosmetics in the U.S., aiming to enhance product safety, transparency, and accountability within the industry. As a trusted partner, CE.way combines its extensive know-how with state-of-the-art in-house laboratory facilities to ensure your cosmetic products are MoCRA compliant. CE.way's comprehensive regulatory and testing services guarantee the safety, efficacy, and regulatory adherence of your products.
Enactment of MoCRA
MoCRA comes into force
Facilities must be registered. Existing products must be listed (by 1 July 2024)
Proposition of a list of fragrance allergens
Labelling requirements enforced
Cosmetics GMP proposition
Cosmetic GMP Final Rule publication by FDA
clients from
MoCRA exemptions
The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) has introduced a framework aimed at ensuring the safety and efficacy of cosmetic products entering the US market. A significant aspect of this regulation is its approach to small businesses, recognizing the unique challenges they face. MoCRA defines small businesses as those with less than $1,000,000 in average annual gross sales in the US over the past three years, adjusted for inflation. This categorization provides certain regulatory reliefs, aimed at fostering innovation and competition from smaller players in the cosmetics industry.
Under MoCRA, small businesses that fall under this definition benefit from exemptions from specific regulatory requirements, such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), facility registration, and product listing. These exemptions, however, are carefully tailored to ensure they do not compromise product safety and public health. Consequently, exemptions do not apply to facilities that produce products with higher risk factors, including products that:
Come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye
Are intended for injection
Are meant for internal use
Or have the potential to alter appearance for more than 24 hours
Additionally, the exemptions extend to certain facilities that are regulated under the drug and device requirements, acknowledging the overlapping regulatory oversight these products may already be subject to.
Despite these exemptions, it is crucial for all cosmetic products marketed in the US to adhere to MoCRA's labelling requirements, engage in adverse event reporting, designate a Responsible Person, and be able to substantiate the safety of the cosmetic product for its normal and foreseeable use.
Need help with the cosmetics regulations and testing?
Contact UsFrequently Asked Questions
Product Listing
Adverse event reporting
Safety substantiation
Disclosure of fragrance allergens
Fragrance records access
Contact information on the label
Product recall in case of non-compliance (and upon request by the FDA)
Under MoCRA, a responsible person (RP) is defined as the manufacturer, packer, or distributor of a cosmetic product whose name appears on the product label, in accordance with section 609(a) of the FD&C Act or section 4(a) of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act. The RP has various responsibilities, including:
Product listing is applicable to all products introduced into the US market by both US and foreign brands.
The responsible person is responsible for submitting the product listing. The product listing process will be carried out via electronic submission portal Cosmetics Direct.
Facility registration number of each facility where the cosmetic product is manufactured.
Name and contact number of the responsible person
Name of the cosmetic product
Cosmetic category of the product
List of ingredients, including fragrances, flavors, or colors
Product listing number (if previously assigned)
Type of submission (initial, update to content (annual), abbreviated renewal)
The following information must be included in the product listing:
Each product will be assigned a listing number.
Yes. MoCRA allows flexible listings, which means that multiple cosmetic products with identical formulations, or formulations that differ only in colour, fragrance or flavour, or quantity of contents, may be grouped under the same listing.
Mandatory product listings must be completed by July 1, 2024. These listings must be updated annually.
New products must be registered within 120 days of their introduction into interstate commerce.
The mandatory facility registration affects all existing facilities, both domestic and foreign. Foreign facilities require a US agent who will handle the facility registration. It is important to note that a physical address in the US must be provided, and P.O. boxes are not accepted.
The term ‘facility’ includes any establishment, including importers, involved in the manufacturing or processing of cosmetic products distributed in the United States. Certain establishments such as beauty shops/salons, retailers, pharmacies, hospitals, hotels, etc., are excluded from this term. It does not affect facilities that solely label or re-label, package or repackage or hold or distribute products.
Facility’s name, physical address, email address, and telephone number
The name of the owner and/or operator of the facility
Contact information of the US agent (for foreign entities)
Facility registration number (if previously assigned)
All brand names produced at the facility
Product category and the RP for each product manufactured at the facility
Type of submission (initial, amended, biennial renewal, or abbreviated renewal)
The following information must be included:
To facilitate the registration process, the owner or operator of a facility will need to obtain an FEI number before submitting the facility registration.
Mandatory facility registration must be completed by July 1, 2024. Registrations must be renewed every two years.
Following the deadline, new businesses will have 60 days after beginning manufacturing to register with the FDA.
FEI is an FDA Establishment Identifier or Firm Establishment Identifier that is assigned by the FDA to identify a firm. FDA intends to use FEI as the required facility registration number.
To facilitate the registration process, the owner or operator of a facility will need to obtain an FEI number before submitting the facility registration. To determine if an entity already has an FEI number, please refer to FEI Search Portal. If your firm doesn’t have FEI, you can request it at [email protected].
Come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes.
Are injected (e.g., tattoos).
Are intended for internal use (e.g., mouthwash).
Alter appearance for more than 24 hours under the usual conditions of use.
MoCRA exempts certain small businesses from GMP, facility registration and product listing. Small businesses are defined as businesses with average gross annual sales in the USA for the previous 3-year period of less than $1,000,000 (adjusted for inflation). However, this exemption does not apply to facilities producing products that:
Exemptions also apply to certain facilities that are subject to requirements for devices and drugs.
A US address.
A US phone number or
Electronic contact information (e.g. a website), which is required as a means to contact the Responsible Person (RP) in case of any adverse events.
Fragrance allergens, if present in the cosmetic product (the FDA will determine which substances are considered allergens).
Product labels must include:
Labels for professional-use products must comply with the general labelling requirements for cosmetic products and must include a statement indicating that the product should be used only by professionals.
The labelling for professional-use products must be updated by December 29, 2024.
The responsible contact information and fragrance allergens must be listed on product labels by December 29, 2024.