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About us

Our team of highly qualified professionals with vast experience in handling cosmetics regulatory matters will make sure to address all your queries as quickly as possible.

With a combination of our knowhow and in-house lab facility we will seamlessly navigate you through the process of registration of your cosmetic products.

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Our Advantages

Fast & Easy Process

We make the processes and the regulatory requirements simple and easy to understand by providing various templates, document examples, videos and other IT solutions that make the process as fast as possible.


Immediate replies are also a reason why our processes are fast. We have a flexible working schedule, so that you can receive replies as fast as possible, even if you live and work in a completely different time zone. Responsiveness is often quoted as one of our strongest points by our clients.

Knowledge & Experience

With more than 10 years of experience in the industry, regulatory consultants that have degrees from cosmetology, numerous courses attended, and constant following of updates in the regulation, we are experts when it comes to the cosmetics regulatory matters.

One-stop shop

We are providing all of the necessary regulatory and testing services at one single place, so that you don't have to search for a few different service providers, but can go through the whole process with one contact person.

Meet our team

Tadej Feregotto


Gaj Rosič

Director of Global Business Development

Tanja Židan

Chief Regulatory Consultant

Tjaša Grum

EU, UK, USA & Canada Regulatory Consultant and Safety Assessor

Taja Plut

EU & UK Regulatory Consultant

Neli Stojnić

EU & UK Regulatory Consultant

Marjetka Terlep-Žolnir

EU & UK regulatory consultant and Safety Assessor

Sara Jakaj

EU & UK Regulatory Consultant

Julija Rodman

Head of laboratory, EU & UK Regulatory Consultant

Kristina Vrtačnik

EU & UK Regulatory Consultant and Safety Assessor

Urša Majdič

EU & UK Regulatory Consultant

Jana Čarga

Laboratory expert

Lea Sonc

EU, UK and USA Regulatory Consultant

Pia Berglez

EU and UK Regulatory Consultant

Need help with the cosmetics regulations and testing?

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