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Product listing

The responsible person must ensure that their products marketed in the US-territory are listed with the FDA through the FDA Direct portal. The listing must include details such as the product name, type, and ingredients. Cosmetic product listing is due by July 2024 and new cosmetic products shall be listed within 120 days following their marketing in interstate commerce. Product listings must be updated annually.

CE.way can help with performing product listings and updates as individual services or part of our MOCRA compliance packages.

US Responsible Person is required to maintain records of product listings and their respective ingredients, updating this information annually. The necessary information required are:

name and contact of the U.S. RP, as it appears on the product

product name and whether it contains any fragrances or flavors

cosmetic category to which it belongs

complete list of ingredients

list of facilities, where the product is manufactured and their FEI number

possibly previous Product Listing Number

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